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“Should I continue deceiving myself, or exhaust all my strength to swim against the current?” 「我要繼續欺騙自己,還是花光心力逆流活下去?」

Grafting 《嫁接》

This exhibition, “Grafting”, marks Humchuk”s first solo show in London. Grafting is a horticultural technique that joins two different plants, allowing them to fuse and grow as one. Since 2020, Humchuk has been documenting the experiences of Hong Kongers in exile. Over the past three years, he has traveled to fourteen countries and met with over thirty individuals who were chosen to leave their homeland due to social and political events. To him, the lives of displaced Hong Kongers resemble grafted plants—growing anew from wounds, taking on unfamiliar yet resilient forms. Through simple lines and colors, the works in Grafting explore the emotions of separation, transformation, and the possibilities of beginning again.

本次展覽 《嫁接》(Grafting)是含蓄於倫敦的首個個人展覽。“嫁接” 是一種園藝繁殖技術,將兩個不同的植物體接合,使其融合並延續生命。自 2020 年起,含蓄開始關注離散香港人的議題,三年間走訪十四個國家,探訪逾三十位因社會事件而流離異鄉的香港人,記錄他們的故事。在他眼中,離散港人的經歷如同被嫁接的植物,從傷口中長出截然不同的生命形態。本次展覽的作品以簡約的線條與色彩,訴說離別與重生的感受,並嘗試描繪「重新開始」的種種可能。

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